We offer to:
- Assist with project design and experimental planning
- Provide various types of experimental models (e.g. transgenic animals or patient-derived organoids);
- Refine protocols for efficient cell and nuclei dissociation of various tissue samples (in-house cell/nuclei dissociation buffers for different tissue types);
- Implement the combinatorial barcoding technology for constructing single-cell/nuclei cDNA libraries;
- Offer sequencing service (30-50K pair reads/cell, Novaseq S4 platform);
- Provide routine bioinformatic analysis and customized analysis for specific biological questions;

Workflow of single cell/nuclei RNAseq
(A) Example nuclei images from organoids before (left) and after fixation (right).
(B) Schematic illustration of the combinatorial barcoding procedure.
(C) Schematic examples of sequenced genes carrying combinatorial barcodes in different cells. Each single-cell transcriptome is assembled by combining reads containing the same four barcoding